Mercurius Politicus

A blog (mostly) about early modern history

Look, blogs!

Here are a few new blogs I’ve recently discovered that may be of interest to early modernists, and to historians more widely.

Wynken de Worde is by Sarah Werner, a director at the Folger Shakespeare Institute. Her blog looks at early modern book history and has had some fascinating posts already on contemporary books owned by the Folger. I particularly enjoyed this post on Frances Wolfreston.

Airs, Waters, Places is by Olivia Smith, a PhD student at Queen Mary, University of London, and looks at the seventeenth-century environment. It’s prompted me to read John Evelyn’s Fumifugium, amongst other things.

The Undergraduate Historian is, not surprisingly, by an undergraduate historian who wants to make history their career. There are some interesting posts with tips on establishing yourself in the profession.

Finally, farewell to Notes of a Neophyte – you will be missed!

Maybe I’m in the wrong career

A sign at the V&A.

Via my friend Lloyd Davis’s Flickr photostream, used under a Creative Commons non-commercial share-alike licence.